Friday, December 14, 2007

time to begin, I guess

I assume that most people's first blog post is short, simple, and unimportant. So will be mine. I am working, listening to Ron and Fez, and thinking a lot about Galway Kinnell's "The Book of Nightmares." It amazes me how his poetry, which I fell in love with over 5 years ago, reads so much differently now that I am a father. It changed the way I viewed the world 5 years ago when I randomly plucked it off of a bookstore shelf, changed my view 3 years ago when I first began teaching, and is still changing my view today. If you haven't read it, check it out. If you have, cherish it.


"And she who is born,
she who sings and cries,
she who begins the passage, her hair
sprouting out,
her gums budding for her first spring on earth,
the mist still clinging about
her face, puts
her hand
into her father's mouth, to take hold of
his song."--GK

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