Wednesday, August 20, 2008

magazine talk, part 1

As I wait for my INDD program to unfreeze, I thought I would start this/these posts.

I have always wanted to start/run a magazine. It always seemed like a hip, worthwhile, interesting dream to have, and, though I have never fully pursued it, I still wonder if I might succeed someday. I was inspired during my college and grad school years.

My first inspiration: Jack Gallo.

My second inspiration, however, was much more tangible and important to me. I found myself surrounded by great friends who were writers, researchers, artists, designers, etc. Realizing that all of us English and Art majors would likely be forced to define ourselves through corporate America, meaning that, for the most part, personal inspiration and talent would be curtailed by the Market's definition of what was important or valuable, I decided a magazine would be the perfect outlet to not only allow my peers to earn a living, but also to keep them close to me. Furthermore, it was the closest thing to a commune I could come up with without the creepy-commune vibe.

Needless to say, no magazine was ever started, and I have lost touch with some of the most talented folks who ever graced my college campus.

I'm hoping to post about my first magazine idea soon, then to follow that up with my newest magazine scheme; right now, however, it looks like a reboot is in order.



Anonymous said...

hey dude... any chance that we are going to see you tonight?

Alison said...

Sounds interesting, you should go for it!