Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3rd post today, 2 important advertisements

1) everyone needs to check out Rob's blog, post Holy Week. It's honest, beautiful, and at the essence of what blogs are all about. If you happen to be here and haven't ventured over there, take the journey.

2) Take $10 out of your wallet and visit Julie's Esty shop. Art auction details below:
Courage Wears A Red Dress. There are only 264 postcards and 264 chances to win. The number 264 comes from the 264 survivors that received medical advocacy from Rape Response last year. I certainly hope that another 264 people will come forward this month to show support and purchase a postcard!

So, feel free to leave my blog now and (1) inspire yourself, (2) inspire others.


1 comment:

Jaime Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing - the holy week thing was wonderful. I'll try and put pen to paper, or fingers to keys, soon.