Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I wonder if any civilization has ever tried to read the future in the clouds. People turn to the stars, the planets, tea leaves, palms, cards...what about the clouds.



Wallace said...

people watch the clouds here... but only to predict the weather and sea for the next day or so... does that count as future?

saw a rainbow the other night and thought of you...

Unknown said...

i think that counts. Future-telling has always intrigued me, at least in the relative sense. One night, while driving south on I-85, I saw a massive wreck in the northbound lane. Miles after that, I kept thinking that, if I could talk to the cars speeding north, I could tell them their future. I could tell them of their long wait, the traffic, the hours of sitting on that interstate that lay in front of them. Almost like I was going down a ladder, passing them as they went up, and I knew where they were headed and what lie ahead of them.