Wednesday, April 22, 2009

unsure footing

not sure what to write about today, but i feel that taking advantage of the almost extinct downtime at work is of primary importance. so, jumping in feet first (head first seems to scary, since the water is bound to be shallow).

i have spent a lot of time searching this year (year = 365 days, not simply 2009). i haven't exactly been lost, but i also have not exactly known where i am going. let's look at the list of ideas/projects/first steps i have taken and see how far down what path i have gone:

1) I decided (again) to write/publish. This time, for Head First. I dig their way of teaching and figured that they could use a book on writing/grammar. My 10-page initial tryout was well received, but it wasn't exactly what they were looking for. After some very good suggestions from them, I somehow got busy and never followed up.

2) The Puncts: I still think a comic-book series where the main characters are punctuation marks is a pretty cool idea. Perhaps nerdy to some, but a great teaching tool to others.
Characters: Peri.D. (he's the leader), Comma Chameleon (b/c commas have so many uses/characteristics), The Interrogator (asks all the pressing questions), Citor (speaks only in quotations), etc. My friend Jonathan (proper kudos to him for some of the above-listed names) and I came up with some great storylines; however, without an artist or enough time, the project lives only in a few words we scriblled onto a napkin. (BTW: Coolest Voltron-esque storyline...when Peri and Comma join forces to create a semicolon. Again, nerdy to some, but totally rad to me.)

3) Joined local social network Patrons of Change. "rejecting the status quo" sounded right up my alley...then found out that they are interested in entrepreneurs. I'd love to be one (re: this list), but I am not. Can't figure out how to un-join, so I guess they are stuck with me. If you are an entrepreneur, you should definitely check them out.

4) Started my own social network, Out of Site, for home-based employees (such as myself). So far...1 member. I haven't even gotten my other 2 home-based collegues at LN to join. Thinking about deleting it. I'm going to try and give it 6 months before declaring it DOA...not sure I have the drive, though, to keep it running by myself.

5) Decided to go to law school (for the fourth time in my life). Then decided not to go to law shool (for the fourth time in my life).

6) Designed 6 logos/advertising pieces for friends and coworkers. None of them are currently being used. (Not pity-partying here; just reporting)

7) Decided to sell some art on Etsy. Haven't completed a single piece yet.

8) Have spent well over 365 days pitching various ideas to my company. Seeing some traction, seeing some interest, but not yet seeing complete buy-in. This one has been exhausting.

9) I think I have somewhat finalized my short-story collection outline. Still haven't actually written a sentence, though. It's going to be great (I humbly report) if I ever get it on paper.

10) I still toy with numerous magazine ideas, but I recognize this is not really the economic climate to be pitchingan ad-based, print, subscription revenue model. I need to go find the final episode of "Just Shoot Me". If their last show ended with bankruptcy and horror b/c the industry tanked...maybe that will finally shut up that "start-a-magazine" voice in my head. appears that I have been searching quite a bit. I honestly feel that I have started/stopped more than nine things, so that number isn't as bad as I thought.

I have had some successes this past year. I have done quite well in the stock market (makes sense considering my complete obsession with CNBC these past few months). I am raising a wonderful daughter who is 90% potty-trained and can complete tasks a lot better than her daddy. I'm still married (going on 6 years), which in our society is always something to brag about. Also, I love and am loved by the greatest people.

Some perspective. It's good for the soul.


1 comment:

mel said...

1. Comma Chameleon = b/c commas have so many uses/characteristics or really because you like boy george?
2. get over it and write down the short stories. they are good!

ps-i'm glad you're back! :)