Wednesday, February 27, 2008

it's a music day

so, i have been sitting here tinkering with my playlist (see very bottom of the page) randomly throughout the day today. it's one of my favorite hobbies, which is kinda sad b/c i should have hobbies like reading, hiking, painting, etc. instead, i sit here and search the web for music.

i like the list. it is a comprehensive list of music that i have sought out over the past year or so; i try not to delete anything, unless the link just doesn't work anymore (which happens quite often). i do rearrange it (very haphazardly) just because i tend to get tired of seeing the list in the same order every time i hit play.

it is a list of new songs that hit me on a particular day ("Jesus Christ" by Brand New), old songs that I will never tire of ("Disintegration" by the Cure), songs from my past that I haven't heard in years but are tied to very pointed memories ("the Mountain" by SCC), and songs that I just love ("Hallelujah"). There's rock, pop, soft, rap, beautiful, a mashup, some instrumentals, and even a song in Japanese (which frankly I am getting tired of; that one might have to go).

thinks to myself, maybe someday i will sit down and list my reasons for each choice. that could be a fun rainy-day project. at least for me.


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