Monday, March 10, 2008

breaking up is hard to do

I think it's about time to break up with Myspace...again. I just haven't figured out how to do it this time. Last time, it was very sudden for both of us. One morning, I just decided it was time to end the relationship, and after several "are you sure" screens (absolutely the worst part of the breakup process...yes, i'm sure; yes, I have thought about it; yes, this is for the best, etc.), it was over. We parted ways, and I felt good about it; no harm done.

However, predictably, I came crawling back about two months later. And, for better or worse, she took me back. No groveling needed.

I think this time I am going to go the immature middle/highschool-boy route; you know, have her break up with me. This always seems easier, at least in theory. So, my plan is to find the least offensive term of service that I can violate, let her find out, she breaks up with me, and *wallah* it's over. Yes, and unfortunately, I have some experience in breaking up this way.

So, now I just need to figure out how to do it. I am not an offensive-post kind of guy. I'd rather not tarnish my own name just to get dumped. There has to be a much more innocuous way of doing it. If I figure something out, and if my quest to get dumped works, I'll let you know.

It's not you; it's me,


Anonymous said...

I guess the big questions would be... Why do you feel the need to break up? Can't you still be friends with myspace?

Unknown said...

it's a good question. I hadn't thought about going the friend route...maybe instead of a complete break-up, we will try to be casual for a while. just back it down a bit.