Tuesday, March 4, 2008

If you build it

I think someone should start a cool new business where guys (and gals) can build stuff. You know those meal-assembly centers (i.e., Super Suppers, Make Take n Bake) where people can go, make meals, and take them home? Well, I want a place where I can go and build a bookcase or a table. Someone needs to purchase all of those tools that I don't have room for (table saws, sanders, etc), stock a bunch of wood and hardware, have a small library of plans/diagrams, and charge me a small fee to play with building. Make me sign a legal form saying that I will be careful and won't sue, and just turn me loose with the big machinery. If anyone starts this kind of store, let me know, and I'll sign up. I would love to get out of the house for a few hours and come home smelling of wood and covered in bandaids.


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