Wednesday, April 21, 2010


As an HBE, I spend a lot of time constructing; while on the phone, I imagine faces, places, scenes, expressions, etc. Such constructs are subconscious and necessary. If we have never met in person, my brain instantly begins to fill in your details, based on nothing more than your voice, name, personality, and any other details it can glean from our interaction. You get a couple of eyes, a mouth, some hair, all by default. The more advanced process of how person X is drawn and how h/she differs from person Y is way too complex for my consciousness to begin to explore. Suffice it to say, however, that somehow my brain begins to fill in the details, constructing a picture of who you are, and that made-up picture is, for better or worse, who you are when you come to mind.

Recently, my imaginative abilities were put to the test when three of my oft-contacted buddies showed up for Action Labs in New York. Sitting in the hotel restaurant, each waltzed in...looking nothing like what my mind had constructed. Seriously, I was way off of the mark. It greatly surprised me, though it should not have. Having never seen a single picture of these guys, I was destined to be wrong in my vision. And I was.

Though there is a lot to be learned from my mental mistakes, from painting a completely erroneous image based solely on phone conversations, the most interesting thing to me today is that the constructs have disappeared in my mind. When I spoke to Bob recently, I saw Bob; there was no trace of bizzaro-Bob, the Hollowell-ized version that had been growing unchecked for the past several months. Same thing with Pat; when I hear his voice on the other end of the line, I can see him.

There is a great value in the Truth. It has a way of erasing the falsities that we construct; it's hard to ignore; and it has power. It is so powerful, in fact, that it instantaneously obliterated my pre-conceptions, and that is usually a very good thing. The fuzziness gained detail, and the generalities became specific. I am very grateful for the opportunity to correct my flawed construct of these guys, and I hope to do the same for many of you.

Just be aware that facing the Truth, though positive in so many respects, is an irreversible position. Remember to take a deep breath before opening your eyes, check your preconceptions at the door, and let's get better at letting the Truth work its magic.

'Transparency' is such a buzz-word these days, and the concept has its merit; however, let's be sure we are seeing with clarity before we try and make the Truth clear for others.


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