Sunday, April 27, 2008

creepy on so many levels...

Let it be known that I find it totally creepy that new advertisements have Wendy (you know, from Wendy's) and van Gogh's self-portrait in motion. It's not enough that I (and the collective "we") have been creeped out for years by advertisers constant need to make animals ("real" animals, not cartoon representations) talk to us, but bringing still-life cultural artifacts to "life"'s just creepy and against better judgment (not saying that I have said better judgment, but that's beside the current point). I would just rather not have the Wendy's girl eating a wrap or van Gogh needing allergy medication. Just one more reason I should be watching less TV.

Wait, did I just blog? Like the way I used to make fun of other bloggers? Like complaining about a societal issue that is of relative (or actual) insignificance? Like feeling that I need to add to some imaginary cultural discourse? Like "hey, listen to me; i have something important to say to 'the man' " (read: advertisers). Woh, that's weird. I think I need some rest and a resetting of the brain/priorities/identity.

Let's pretend that this post never happened (though, I still find them creepy and am personally demanding that they stop; if they don't, I might just have to keep blogging about it.).



mel said...

i also find the same thing with music. (i'm surprised you didn't mention this first). for example, one of my favorite little tunes of all time, rhapsody in blue, happened to be a commercial for some airline for a long time. our kids will think that song is for a plane, not the great piece of work that it actually is.

james said...

Adding your voice to the collective outrage is a good thing. Although I do have to say that there are some commercials that are delicious--like this one:

Unknown said...

That is, indeed, a very cool commercial